Deep Green Design Alliance


The mission of the Deep Green Design Alliance (DGDA) is to identify local, environmental and civic challenges and — through visionary design and policy making — provide solutions that integrate ecology, technology, economy and culture for the well being of our global future.


The DGDA was founded by Byron Kuth, FAIA, as a multi-disciplinary collaborative to elevate the role of design within the galvanizing platform of sustainable practices. Mr. Kuth recognized the local, environmental challenges are an opportunity to shape our global future through thoughtful designs and visionary solutions. The alliance was formed to curate and archive an online database of such projects and proposals.

Visit the DGDA website for more information


725 Greenwich Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA. 94133
tel: 415.544.9880       fax: 415.544.9881
dgda email        



Byron Kuth
Elizabeth Ranieri
Tom Leader
Rodolphe el-Khoury
Adi Shamir


Dr. James Canton
Professor Mark Stacey
Will Travis
Brad McCrea
Professor Tarek I. Zohdi
Allison Williams

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